
On January 22, 2014, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration was pushing to raise the standards for safe and effective child car seats. In an effort to put parents at ease, simulation crash testing will be used to demonstrate the reliability of car seats in a side-impact crash. Car seat…

No doubt, you have people who depend on you. Your significant other, children, coworkers and even your pets. As the Holiday season ramps up and you begin to go to parties and  family get-togethers, the last thing you want to be is sick. Additionally, since its likely you’ll be around…

Welcome to not only our new home for blogging, but our brand new website! The Hardison & Cochran Blog, which previously was located on a Blogger format, is now within our website. It allows for the information we provide each week to be stationed at a one stop shop so…

Today, the Governors Highway Safety Association projected that motorcyclist deaths increased around nine percent in 2012. In the last 15 years, motorcycle deaths have increased all but one of those years. The press release from the GHSA also notes that motorcyclists remain one of the few roadway user groups where…, a website dedicated to providing journalism on issues of health, safety and corporate conduct, recently covered a topic that might be the most hotly debated within the circle of motorcycle riders. Yes, helmets. This article isn’t so much on the laws and the freedom on choice of wearing or not wearing…