VA Disability Benefits

What are Compensation Benefits?
Compensation benefits are benefits paid to veterans by the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs to compensate for ongoing physical or mental injuries that began or were made worse in connection with service in the United States Armed Services.
Do I Qualify for Compensation Benefits?
You may be entitled to veteran’s compensations benefits if all of the following apply to you:
- You are a veteran of a branch of the United States Armed Services.
- You are currently suffering from a physical or mental impairment.
- Your impairment began while you were on active duty OR the impairment was aggravated while you were on active duty.
- You were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.
How Much Would I Be Entitled To?
Veterans’ compensation benefits are paid based on the percentage of disability caused by one or more impairments. Percentages of impairments range from 0% to 100% in increments of 10. Not all impairments carry the full range of percentage of disability. As your percentage of disability increases, the amount of your monthly benefit increases also. If you have more than one impairment and each impairment has a separate percentage, these will be combined for a total percentage of impairment, they are not simply added together.
If the Veterans Administration determines that you have 100% disability or that you are unemployable, you will be entitled to the current maximum benefit rate.