How Much Do You Get Paid When On Workers' Compensation in North Carolina?

When you suffer a job-related injury in North Carolina that leads to total disability as determined by a physician, or if you’re given restrictions that prevent you from resuming your usual employment, you become eligible for what are known as temporary total disability benefits.

In North Carolina, the method for calculating these benefits is outlined in the state’s statutes. Typically, the calculation is based on your earnings from the 52 weeks prior.

Here’s how it works: The insurance company will review your wage records for the year before your injury and determine your average weekly wage by dividing the total amount you earned by 52. This average is pivotal because it sets the stage for your compensation rate.

The compensation rate—the key number in your workers’ compensation claim—is generally two-thirds of your average weekly wage. This is the amount you’ll receive as your temporary total disability benefits. Essentially, these benefits are a financial safety net, compensating for lost wages while you’re unable to work due to your injury.

But the compensation rate’s role extends beyond just the temporary total disability benefits. It’s also integral when calculating potential settlements for permanent partial disability that may result from your injury. The accuracy of this rate is vital to ensure you’re fairly compensated. Knowing how these figures are derived can provide clarity that you’re receiving the full financial support you’re entitled to during your recovery.