What do I do if I suspect nursing home abuse or neglect?

If you see signs of abuse or neglect that endanger a nursing home resident’s life, you should phone 911 to summon emergency medical assistance. In other cases, you should notify nursing home management, the state’s regulatory body and/or an experienced nursing home abuse and neglect attorney.
In a situation that is not life-threatening, contact the head of the nursing home and ask them to investigate and notify you of their findings. Contact them verbally and follow up in writing. Keep a copy of this letter.
You should also notify the Adult Care Licensure Section of the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation as soon as possible. They have an investigation division that follows up on complaints regarding nursing homes. Ask them to provide you with a written report of their investigation.
Start making more frequent visits to the nursing home at unexpected times. Keep a close eye on the person you think is being abused. Start a journal of your visits to the home, what you observe, what you are told, and the problems you are seeing.
You can also contact Hardison & Cochran to talk to one of our nursing home abuse attorneys about your concerns and the options available for action. We will respond to you within 24 hours.