Social Security Disability Relief for Muscle and Bone Problems

Musculoskeletal disorders are problems that affect your muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are available to individuals with muscle and bone problems that keep them from performing tasks necessary to hold a job.
Unfortunately, many people with severe musculoskeletal problems have trouble obtaining the SSD benefits they deserve. The Social Security Disability lawyers at Hardison & Cochran help these individuals throughout North Carolina. If you are in this position, contact us today for a free initial consultation.
Common Muscle and Bone Disorders
The Social Security Administration (SSA) will consider how your musculoskeletal disorder affects your ability to walk, push, pull, stand, sit, lift, perform fine motor skills, concentrate and perform other standard work tasks.
The SSA specifically identifies an extensive list of musculoskeletal disorders that may qualify an applicant for SSD benefits. They include:
- Amputations
- Back Pain
- Bone Spurs
- Burns
- Bursitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Club foot deformity
- Degenerative disc disease
- Fibromyalgia
- Fracture of the femur, tibia, or pelvis
- Gout
- Herniated disc
- Hip replacement
- Inflammatory arthritis
- Joint pain
- Knee replacement
- Lumbar stenosis
- Major dysfunction of a joint
- Muscular dystrophy
- Neck pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Paralysis
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Polio
- Reflex Sympathetic Disorder
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Ruptured disc
- Shoulder pain
- Shoulder replacement
- Spinal arachnoiditis
- Torn ACL
- Whiplash
Can You Qualify for SSD Benefits with a Muscle or Bone Problem?
In considering an application for disability benefits because of a muscle or bone disorder, the SSA examines the extent to which the disability affects your ability to perform meaningful work.
You must include medical evidence of disability in your application. For example, if you have a spinal disorder affecting your lower back, you would need to present diagnostic evidence of nerve root compression, sensory or reflex loss, and a positive SLR (straight leg raising) test.
A qualified physician treating your disorder would conduct the diagnostic tests applicable to your condition, treat your disorder and prepare records and reports. These would be available to include in your SSD benefits application.
The SSA could still require you to obtain additional medical exams. The SSA would use the results of these exams to decide your claim.
Are There Other Ways to Qualify for SSD Benefits with a Muscle or Bone Problem?
To account for every potential disabling muscle or bone condition, the SSA allows disability benefits applicants to explain how a condition not listed in its “Blue Book” makes one unable to perform job duties. This requires medical evidence.
The SSA’s claim evaluators will consider whether the evidence shows that your condition is:
- Medically determinable (that is, proven to exist), and
- Medically equivalent in severity to a listed disorder or impairment, and
- Prevents or should be expected to prevent you from performing your existing job for 12 months or more.
Let Our North Carolina Lawyers Help with Your Muscle / Bone Disorder SSD Claim
Because of our years of experience with Social Security Disability benefits claims, the lawyers of Hardison & Cochran understand the wide range of disabling muscle pain and bone problems and diseases workers may face. We can help ensure your SSD application or appeal accurately describes your condition. We can seek proper disability benefits for you as quickly as possible.
Contact us today for a free consultation about your case.
For More Information:
- Disability Evaluation Under Social Security, Musculoskeletal System – Adult, Social Security Administration